from within

The name of the Feldenkrais Method comes from its founder/creator, Moshé Feldenkrais (1904-1984), an Israeli engineer, scientist, jiu-jitsu and judo master.
During his younger years, Moshé Feldenkrais published several interesting works about self-defense and martial arts in which a great interest in evolutionary progression and human learning began.
The Feldenkrais Method, as it is known today, is greatly based on the personal experiences of Moshé Feldenkrais; from the development of his own self-defense techniques, as well as his knowledge and analysis of Judo principles. Later in life he became an engineer and scientist, which coupled with an inoperable knee injury, contributed to the development of his method.
Moshé Feldenkrais devoted his life to the investigation of the function of the human brain, anatomy, kinematics and physiology. As a result he created a unique learning method.
Until his death in 1984, Moshé Feldenkrais directed the Feldenkrais Institute in Tel-Aviv and taught the Method in America and Europe.
In the Feldenkrais Method it is the body itself that is used as the fundamental tool for an individual’s deep process of personal evolution. Learning through movement is the essence of the Feldenkrais Method. This, along with self-awareness leads to sensory motor learning. The Feldenkrais Method develops and increases body awareness through movement and contact with one’s own body.
Forgotten paths in our ability to sense, feel, think and act are explored – making it possible to lead a full life, and make decisions according to one’s full potential. The Feldenkrais Method is a somatic learning process taught either in group classes called ATM (Awareness Through Movement) or in individual sessions called FI (Functional Integration).
It is a unique method used to improve the human condition in all possible fields– athletics, career development, academics, health services, arts and science are just a few examples of its wide range of applications.
The Elusive Obvious
Embodied Wisdom – The collected papers of Moshé Feldenkrais, ed. Elizabeth Beringer
Body Awareness as Healing Therapy: The Case of Nora
The Potent Self: A Guide to Spontaneity
Body and Mature Behaviour
Cave, Richard Allen, Feldenkrais and actors: working with the Royal Shakespeare Company
Damasio, Antonio, Descartes’ Error: Emotion, Reason and the Human Brain
Hanna, Thomas, Somatics: Reawakening the Mind’s Control of Movement, Flexibility, and Health
Jay Gould, Stephen, Eight Little Piggies: Reflections in Natural History
Joly, Ivan, Somatic Education, Beyond Singular Methods
Maturana, Humberto y Varela, Francisco, The Tree of Knowledge
Reese, Mark y Zemach Bersin, David, Relaxercise: The Easy New Way to Health and Fitness
Sacks, Oliver, An Anthropologist on Mars: Seven Paradoxical Tales
Worsley, Victoria, Feldenkrais for Actors: How to do less and discover more